When I read the news, i was immediately reminded of the song by Anjan Dutta, "Haripada ekjon sadamata chhotokhato lok"! Well although i laughed after reading the news on Times of India, but for someone it was a serious business. Against the popular idea that these extraterrestial objects are visible for a very short period, this stayed on the sky for 3 hrs, in the late night sky over kolkata !!! Some person named Farhan Akhtar had caught a 2.30 hrs. video of this object and it seems he is not the only person who saw it, there were lot of people gathered at the EM Bypass that time to see that object. According to Mr. Akhtar it was visible even after dawn and after that it disappeared. Sounds strange right? well with time it may add to another mysterious story but for Kolkatans its the first occasion. Well I hope the ETs didn't take Haripada kerani along with them!!
here is a video put on the youtube, taken by a cell ph camera, see the changing colour of the objects, looks beautiful....
youtube clip
My Dear Santonu....
Seeing is beleiving..... when you dont play game better not make rules....
Dear Farhan,
If you are the person who saw that object, then i am really interested to talk to you. Please dont get angry, i do keep a track of the UFOs and frustratingly many of them are usolved, i dont know how much you know of it, i am not telling you what you have seen is some some play of air pressure. its my blog and i write mostly what i feel, hence added the humourus touch to it, i am sorry that had hurt your feelings...wish to meet you someday
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